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Step Four: Enroll

Use the Enrollment Form to write down the order. 

  • NEW ENROLLMENT... Name:    

  • Shipping Address:  

  • Billing address if different than shipping address.

  • Credit card Name:

  • Credit card Number:

  • Expiration date:

  • CVV Number:

  • Email: Phone:

  • Flavors:  4 Shake FlavorsCleanse flavorIsaLean Bar FlavorWhey ThinsE+ Shot flavorIsaDelight Flavor

  • Tell them you are going to set them up on Lifestyle Rewards (Auto Ship) and the reason for it: “Based on the solutions you are seeking; I am putting a little order in for your Lifestyle Rewards. This will get you the best discount on your initial order.  There’s no contract and you can change or cancel 24 hours before it ships, plus this earns you free shipping (with the Ultimate, Value, Premium pak). We will be talking before then so we can adjust it if needed.”

Click here for Enrollment Form

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IsaBody IsaLife

Text this message your new customer (include their user name and password)

• Set up a fifteen minute follow up / Launch call where you will show them their back office, IsaBody Challenge, Our Isa-Best U team website, and answer any questions they have about their system within 24 hours after submitting their order. 

Step 4 Links
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